Wednesday, August 26, 2015

And the Gaffs Just Keep On Comin'

what eye thynk:  Mistakes made by Jeb Bush's campaign could become a daily feature.  Aside from those I've mentioned previously, just in the past few days, we've been witness to... 

1 -  The mysterious black hand that was overlooked by whoever it was that photo-shopped Jeb's head onto another body.  And, while we're critiquing the flyer, couldn't they have found someone with the same neck size?:

With all the extra dollars he raked in while avoiding campaign laws and playing coy about whether he was really running or not, you'd think he could afford a proof reader.

2 - Earlier this month he was forced to backpedal after saying he wasn't "sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues."  This week, he stumbled over the subject again.  Responding to a question at a Colorado town hall event, he said, "I, for one, don't think Planned Parenthood ought to get a penny...and that's the difference because they're not actually doing women's health issues."

The thousands of low-income women who depend on Planned Parenthood for breast exams, pap smears, STD testing and treatment, and birth control would undoubtedly be surprised to hear that.  

3 -  And now, after following Donald Trump blithely down the "anchor babies" path, Jeb finds himself in need of separation from the Trump mantra; and so, his campaign has released a TV ad touting Jeb's expertise in crisis management.  In the video, Jeb is shown during a Florida hurricane season, which, properly vetted, would seem to be a good idea.  Upon closer look, however, the Bush campaign didn't notice the ad shows Jeb working along side ex- FEMA director Michael Brown, he of the infamous Katrina "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" debacle during W's tenure in the White House.  You can see "Brownie" standing just behind Jeb's shoulder at the 50 second mark in the ad.

Bringing to mind one of the worst jobs of emergency management in recent memory probably isn't what Jeb intended; but once again, that's what he "gaffed."

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